14 marzo, 2025

Speaklanguages, atleast a secondlanguage in additiontothenativelanguageisessential for thepresentand a betonthe future. Despitethefactthatotherlanguages ??are currently in place, in theAdministrationtheprimaryoneis still English.

Economicallyandtechnologically, globalization, as the universal language in thefield of administration.

The organizationsexpandedtheirgeographicalarea of ??expertise andneedmultilingualteamsto do business in other countries, to open uptointernationalsuppliersandclients, tocoordinatetheirownfunctionsordelegationsandlevels of internalfunctioning, Englishisimposedbeforetheotherlanguages ??and It canevenconditiontheconservation of a business.

The samehashappenedwiththepopularization of the Internet, which forces companiesthatwantto compete in aninternationalmarketandhavegreater business opportunitiesontheir website in English, toachievegreatervisibility, position themselves in searchenginesand improve theircorporateimage. Withoutforgettingthat 80% of theinformationthatcirculatesthroughthe network is in English, a volume muchhigherthanthat in Englishand in anyotherlanguage.

Englishalsoledthetechnologicalissueandbecameindispensable for the use of digital platforms, especially for companiesthatneedtobeup-to-date andquicklyincorporate new software intotheir management.

Ifyou are anentrepreneur, you must masterEnglish. Eithertoattend a conferenceandconferenceconference, launch marketing campaignsorhaveyour business website available in theleadinglanguage.

Letsputourselves in the reverse andvenoussituation some negative effectsthatthelack of knowledge of English for theadministrationentails:

  • Loss of opportunities (income).
  • Lower performance of workersduetonotbeingabletocommunicateeffectively, whichisdeficient. Economic in the case of commercialorsalesteamsand in delaysand non-compliance in terms of projectteams.
  • Lowercustomersatisfactionwhenencounteringdifficulties in communication and the sea viatelephoneor in person.
  • Difficulties in managinginternationaltalent, butalsowanting to make local talentoccupyinternational positions.


English isessential in theprofessional and workenvironment in practicallyall industrial and businesssectors and beyondthe top positions. In fact, beingable to communicate in more thanonelanguageisalready a usual requirement to be selectedfor a new job and to move up withinthecompany. In addition, nowadaysthespecializationthrough masters and postgraduatecourseswithinternationalstudentswho use English as a vehicular languageisthemostcommon, especiallythoselinked to thebusinessworld.

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