7 febrero, 2025

Personal protective equipment is essential and is used to protect the worker from accidents and occupational diseases, essential as a risk prevention measure.

It is the responsibility of the company to deliver these essential elements for the correct performance of the work, free of charge. It is also the responsibility of the worker to use them obligatorily according to the specific tasks that he must perform.

Classification, according to the part of the body that protects:

• Skull protectors:
1. Safety helmet: covers the skull completely protecting it against the effects of blows, chemical substances, electrical and thermal risks. It consists of internal harness and housing or external part.

• Eye protection:
1. Glasses: both for protection of particles and for protection of liquids, smoke, steam or gases and radiations.

• Protection of ears:
1. Plugs and earmuffs: they prevent damage to the hearing system caused by noise.

• Protection of the respiratory tract:
1. Helmet with filter purifier: controls the inhalation of dust in a polluted atmosphere. It also protects the head, eyes, and face.
2. Mask: It covers the mouth, nose and eyes. Protects against gases and vapors.
3. Air purifiers: in them the air passes through filters.
4. Mechanical filter: retains particles contained in the air. It does not retain gases.
5. Chemical filter: retains gases and vapors mixed with the air.
Air and oxygen suppliers:
1. Dependent supply: The protective equipment is connected to a source of air supply by means of a hose.
2. Independent supply: the person moves by transporting their source of air and oxygen with them.

• Foot and leg protection:
1. Shoes with protective toe
2. Shoes for electrical risks
3. Shoes for smelters
4. Rubber boots or PVC
5. Leggings

• Protection of hands and arms:
1. Chrome-tanned leather gloves for risk of accidents due to friction or scratches
2. Pure rubber gloves for work with energized electrical circuits
3. Synthetic material gloves to manipulate chemical products
4. Asbestos gloves used by stokers, welders, exposed to heat and fire
5. Cotton gloves for work with wood and similar

• Safety belt for work at height
1. These elements are used in work to be done in height as scaffolding, mobiles, towers, poles, chimneys, among others, to prevent worker falls

• Protective clothes
1. It provides protection to the worker against contact with dust, oil, grease and even caustic or corrosive substances. Se clasifica según el material con el que está fabricada:
_Tissue: The cloth garments are used when a light protection is required, the most common is the overalls with tight cuffs on the wrists and ankles.
_Leather: It is used in the protection of specific areas of the body, such as welders aprons. The leather can be treated to make it fireproof or fat-proof.
_Rubber: rarely used to make full costumes. It is more common to see this material in aprons.
_Plastic: The suits made of plastic are used to protect against caustic or corrosive substances, humid atmospheres or inclement weather.
The resolution srt 299/2011 creates the registration form of delivery of personal protection items and work clothes that must be completed by the responsible for hygiene and safety or by the ART as appropriate and signed by the worker.

o Workers must know the risk they run in the performance of their work, in order to raise awareness and understand the need for the use of these E.P.P.
o A supervisor must participate to see compliance with the use and maintenance of the E.P.P.
o The worker is obliged to keep the items that were delivered in good condition.

Art. 188 of the law: «Every manufacturer of equipment and personal protection elements of the worker must be registered in the registry that the Ministry of Labor will enable for this purpose. Without this requirement, equipment and elements of E.P.P. may not be manufactured or marketed.

The manufacturers will be responsible in case it is proven that an accident occurred, it is due to deficiencies of the equipment used.

The use of these elements is mandatory in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 19587. »

«Art 191: work clothes comply with the following:
• It will be made of flexible fabric, which allows easy cleaning and disinfection, appropriate to the conditions of the workplace.
• It will fit well in the workers body, without affecting his comfort and ease of movement.
• Whenever circumstances allow, the sleeves will be short and when they are long, they will fit properly.
• Additional items such as pockets, cuffs, buttons, upturned parts, laces and others will be eliminated or reduced as much as possible, for hygienic reasons and to avoid snagging.
• The use of elements that may cause an additional risk of accidents, such as ties, scarves, braces, bracelets, chains, necklaces, etc., will be prohibited.
• In special cases the work clothes will be made of waterproof fabric, non-combustible, warm or resistant to aggressive substances and whenever necessary, the worker will be provided with aprons, aprons, bodysuits, vests, belts, wide belts and other elements that are necessary.»

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