17 febrero, 2025

Public Relations (known by the abbreviation PR) are a set of coordinated and sustained strategic communication actions over time, whose main objective is to strengthen links with different audiences, listening to them, informing them and persuading them to reach consensus, Fidelity and support in certain actions.

Its mission is to generate a link between the organization, the communication and the related publics, in addition to convincing and integrate in a positive way, for which it uses different strategies, techniques and instruments.

It is a developing discipline that uses methods and theories of advertising, marketing, design, communication, politics, psychology, sociology, journalism, among other branches and professions.

It is fundamental for every public relationist to be highly informed of all events that may be directly or indirectly linked to his organization or project.

Although the concept of relationships is implicit in the expression public relations, few specialists in the field have dared to define it carefully or to develop viable measurements of the results of relationships. The avant-garde public relations are supported in the work on the double-flow relationship variables (bidirectional): communication (dimension of dialogue), understanding (shared knowledge), agreement (shared attitudes) and complementary behavior over time.

Definitions that identify us:

  • Science that studies the process of communicational interaction through which an entity is strategically and strategically linked with different audiences. It implements specific techniques of interpersonal and corporate relationship: and finally, it contributes to the positioning of a solid institutional identity based on values (Di Génova)
  • Public Relations is a characteristic directive function that helps to establish and maintain lines of mutual communication, understanding, acceptance and cooperation between an organization and its publics; Involves the management of problems or issues, helps managers to keep themselves informed and sensitive to public opinion; Defines and emphasizes the responsibility of managers to serve the public interest; Helps managers stay ahead of changes and use them effectively by looking at them as a warning system to anticipate trends and uses research, preparation and ethical communication as their main tools (Harlow).
  • Public Relations is the directive function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the audiences on which its success or failure depends (Cutlip, Center, and Broom)

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