17 marzo, 2025

-Selector of human resources :What is your name and how old are you?

-Candidate: My name is Florencia and Im 26 years old.

Selector of human resourcesCould you tell me about yourself? 

-Candidate: I’m efficient, organaized and assiduous. The main thing to me at work is the teamwork and the enthusiasm to work.

-Selector of human resourcesOkey! Next question. Why do you want to work with us? 

 -Candidate: I have followed your history during the last years. I’m surprised by your way of working. For that reason I want to work y your company 

-Selector of human resources: What are your strenghts? /

-Candidate: I’m a creative person who likes to be working with others. I consider that the teamwork is fundamental to get good results /

-Selector of human resourcesAnd your weakness? 

– Candidate: I’m restless. I always like to be doing somenthing, but I’m working to change 

-Selector of human resources: Finally, Why did you leave your last job? 

– Candidate: I need new challenges to grow professionally 

-Selector of human resources :Why Should We Hire You?

-Candidate:  You should hire me because I’m not only qualified for this job due to my experiences, but also because of the positive attitudes that I have towards the tasks given to me.



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