18 octubre, 2024

They work and have to continue working protected and cared for we are going to give them security and every day will work better.

Every time a person carries out a work activity, he begins to work, he must use the elements of personal protection corresponding to his activity. To use the corresponding elements and avoid unsafe acts and unsafe conditions a professional in Safety and Hygiene is in charge of  the corresponding training before hazard identification and risk control, in order to preserve the physical and mental health of the worker in the work environment. The manager will gather the employees and through a talk of prevention will show what are the precautions and the corresponding use of each element of protection. They will have to use them as appropriate. For each activity will have a particular talk to learn what is necessary and at the time of doing their tasks know what are the measures they should have. All working time must take the same safety measures. The employee who does not wear the work clothes will be sanctioned.


Detail of what should be done and what should not be done during working hours.

  • You can not have the place cluttered.
  • Keep everything clean
  • Do not throw debris out of place.
  • Heed the security measures

If you do not comply with these measures you can pass?

Are they likely to become ill? We are going to pay the consequences If the security measures are not complied with, the only ones affected are the employees, they will pay the consequences.

Very clearly the professional should say I am going to talk about this matter and everyone should pay attention and then comply with what has been learned A good job we do it all. We are learning safety together.

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