13 marzo, 2025


Quizás a veces nos preguntamos de que manera influye los idiomas en nuestra carrera y/o profesión. En el siguiente texto comparto la importancia del idioma ingles dentro de la carrera de régimen aduanero y comercio exterior y de que forma nos podría ayudar tener un conocimiento de este idioma.

The English language and my profession

First, I will write about the importance of the English language in XXI society. Speaking a second language is essential for the current job market. Comoprofessional, knowing an additional language in your mother tongue is always a great advantage for your career.

English fluency is an essential competence to be a more capable and complete professional. Language is the most spoken in the world and has become essential for those who wish to enter the labor market or improve their perspectives.

Secondly, when I was a little boy I did not like to learn English, but now I know it was a mistake because English has become the language of the world. For example, if you go to India you can communicate in English.

In my case, I will graduate as a superior technician in customs and foreign trade. My responsibility will be to advise people in the area of ??export and import. So English is important because sometimes we will have to communicate in English.

To conclude, I believe that all children should learn this language because in the future they will not have any problem in any area.


Hecho por: Santiago Vargas.

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