19 diciembre, 2024

Glossary of business administration: –

Coordination: Coordinación. The managers must respect the procedures and activities carried out by the company.

Organization: Organización. The managers must organize the workforce in an efficient manner and structure so that the organizations activities can be aligned.

Financial accounting: Contabilidad financiera.  It is very important to carry out a good management of the financial accounting of the company so as not to generate a bankruptcy.

Planning: Planeación. The planning is important in the administration to achieve the proposed goals and the economic growth of the company.

Material resources: Recursos materiales.  They are those tangible assets of the company (buildings, facilities)

Productivity: Productividad. Productivity must be a fundamental strategy for any company to generate revenue, growth and positioning.

Treasury: Tesorería. The treasury share is important to the administration because it coordinates the elements of a company to maximize its assets and decrease a liquidity crisis.

Earnings: Ingresos/Ganancias. For an organization, earnings are the product of sales, production, financial investments, etc.

Direction: Dirección. Direction is that inter-personnel aspect of management which deals directly with influencing, guiding, supervising, motivating sub-ordinate for the achievement of organizational goals.

Leadership: Liderazgo. Leadership is important to management because it directs and influences others towards the same end through motivation


From: Insurance company “Seguricards”

To: London colleagues

Subject: News in Buenos Aires

Hi! Good morning, we communicate with the company Seguricards in Argentina, to greet them from the new team composed of Morena Chinnici, Ian Lo Presti and Ana Belén Del Bao. We are a new team that is in charge of the business administration part of this company. Our main responsibility is to manage resources, implement operational plans in the business areas and evaluate our business projects. Our hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm from Monday to Friday.

To know more we tell you our activities outside working hours, Ian lives in Vicente Lopez. He is 20 years old. He has an activity outside working, he sometimes plays football. Morena lives in Martinez, she is 21 years old, in her free time she plays women´s football and last Ana Belén lives in Belgrano, she is 22 years old. She loves dancing.

To close we hope we can have a cordial relationship and we are available for everything you need.

Thank you so much.


Morena Chinnici, Ana Belen Del Bao, Ian Lo Presti.

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