23 febrero, 2025

The career of customs broker over the years will be constantly and permanently evolving since it is linked to the changes that occurs on the field of foreing trade. The same is not only increased economic, both by its volume as by the in los poration of new merchandises norms at supranational level that charges vital importance to the constitucion of Mercosur. I am from Paso de los Libres, where for the practice day to day in international traffic, there is interation between the various operators of foreing trade. It is no longles a mese aid to foreing trade. It is important that the customs not only develop in the customs operation, but also interacting with the customer s needs. It also participates on the plannig, coordination execution and control of all direct and indirect activities in the private o public sector.
Not only the classification of the tariff, must be known, for which you should known the rules of the customs code and laws, but also membership with Mercosur and los treaties of agreements.It  must be analyze particularities, the necessary documentation  to be able to formalize through the Maria computer system, that it uses nowadays. Also have to consider banking account aspects, tax currencies, logisties, and in some cases health issues which forces the dispatcher to be in constant professional training, given the demands of the market.
All to whom participate in foreign trade know and understand the importance of the customs broker as its facilitator and prometer. His funtion is primordial , since he is an annex between the public and private sector, so that the operation can be carried out with greater speed, security and transparency. The matter of time in our activity is the vital importance.

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