3 marzo, 2025

Argentina Honey Export

Argentina produces about 70,000 tons per year of natural honey. Production is characterized by its diversity and is practically entirely destined for export, mainly due to the low local consultation.

Although the main product exported is bulk honey, products such as waxes, fractional honey, propolis, and live material (bees) are also sold.

Eighty-seven percent of local producers are small and medium-sized. In 2010 there were around 3 million hive distributed in more than 30000 producers.

Argentina is the second largest exporter of honey and is among the top 5 producers in the world. The sector has acquired considerable importance in terms of volumes produced and product quality. Its preponderant role in the world market lies in the evolution of quality and reliability, having adopted increasingly demanding international standards.

In recent years the sectors exports have remained relatively constant, with no marked changes. However, factors related to the organization of the producers, with the financing and the lack of adequate technology for the production as well as the characterization and homologation of the products, as well as the requirements of entry to the countries of destination increasingly demanding , Generated a gradual reduction of the exported volumes.

Currently, around 70,000 tons per year are exported, with an FOB value of USD 3108 per ton, reaching a value of USD 226 million in 2011. Between 2011 and 2007, the total value of foreign sales increased by 64% The export volumes decreased by 10%

Argentina stands out overseas for the quality of its production as well as for its volume. It is the third largest producer in the world and represents 75% of the honey processed in Latin America and 10% of the planet total, which reaches 1.4 million tons.

This market of considerable proportions maintained, in our country, one of the highest levels of commercial concentration of all the value chains. Only 6 companies account for 85% of honey exports from Argentina.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation promoted the creation of export consortiums for cooperatives of small beekeepers, as the means to break with the highly concentrated economic chain. With this, the goal is easily identifiable, that the producers manage to export without intermediaries and that the income of this big business that means the beekeeping stops to remain in the hands of a few.

Today there are 9 consortiums formed and operational: three (3) in the province of Buenos Aires; Two (2) in Entre Rios; One (1) in Santa Fe; One (1) in Chaco; One (1) in Corrientes; One (1) in the Region of Cuyo. They are made up of one hundred four (104) cooperatives and producer organizations that group more than 2100 small beekeepers and reach 400000 hive.

China and Argentina in the last five years changed their positions between the first and second place among the main exporting countries to various destinations. Argentina is consolidated between 2012 and 2013 and even the first months of 2014 as the second world exporter and is among the top five producers in the world.

From the analysis of Argentinas export destinations we can see that in the last year the United States was the main buyer of honey in our country with a 66% share of total exports and if we add Germany, Japan and France we have the 89% of the honey sales market abroad. The other countries have a lower percentage of purchases. Of the last five years, the United States and Germany are the main commercial customers that our country has 72% of the national exports, while Italy, Japan, France and the United Kingdom have a smaller share in purchases of honey to Argentina.

In the table below we will put the main exporting provinces of honey in the last five-year period 2009/2013.

Buenos Aires is the main exporting province of honey with 48% of exports in the last five years, followed in importance by Santa Fe, Córdoba and La Pampa with 15, 12, and 11% respectively. Corrientes is also among the exporting provinces of honey but is in last place in the ranking.

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