6 marzo, 2025

The Customs Broker is an agent of foreign trade, authorized by the inspection and control body; enable to handle, on behalf of third parts, procedures and items related to the introduction and extraction of goods at Customs. Establishing the primary link between the private and public sector engaged in the import and export of goods and services.

The role of the dispatcher exceeds the limits of the guidance only, acquires a relevance such these sectors can’t act accordingly and effectively without their presence. For this, it is essential that this agent has a good training to capture quickly and successfully the multiple problems that present, committing to a permanent upgrade and specialization, since any change produces not only challenges but also opportunities. That the reason why it is essential to be agile and dynamic in the correct approach of the corresponding solutions, providing equal care to the legitimate interests of his clients and the tax authorities.

In conclusion, the Senior Technician in Customs Broker will be trained in the professional field to:

  • Make the import and export offices.
  • Classify and value goods at import and export offices.
  • Know the rights and responsibilities that derive from the exercise of the profession.
  • Know the banking operations to be able to present the payment and collection instruments required in foreign trade operations.
  • Promote products and services at an international level, identifying the needs and demands for the import or export of them.
  • Represent and manage destinations and customs operations, representing importers and exporters.
  • To declare, formalize and present the destinations, operations and special customs regimes through the Maria Computer System.
  • Represent the Importer and / or exporter in all procedures related to the Agreed Sale Condition, established by the International Trade Terms, coordinating the necessary operations.
  • Participate as an auxiliary of the Customs Trade, in own enterprises.

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