6 marzo, 2025

Students:Baez Giselle Jacqueline.    Professor: Lucas Lioy.

Career: Despacho aduanero.                  Level: 3er año.


Where does Argentina export?

The main destination of Argentina for its exports during 2013 was Mercosur, with 22.557 million dollars which represents 27, 8% of the total sales of the country. The most outstanding item was the Manufactures of industrial origin.

The second most important destination is the European Union, and the third is the Nafta not only exported to these destinations, among the other export destinations:

Chile, China, Japan and Egypt.

With which countries are imports made?

Argentina, imports electronic products machinery for industries and cars. In Argentina there is little technological development, so you have to import product from China and the United States. Transport vehicles, cell phones and air craft parts are leading the country’s imports.

It also imports some fuels such as diesel oil from Russia, Chile, and the United States, and minerals such iron from Brazil. A country that disability the competition and got in first place.

How could sales grow in the country?

Argentina is country that can reasonably grow if it focuses on national industry, reducing the number of unemployed.

Argentina will make new business, for the sale of soy. And is going to be one is the main exporters in Mercosur

Approximately 84% of Argentine soybeans such as grain, flour, sugar cane and biodiesel have been exported in 2016.

Summary of the text:

The text speaks of the imports and exports that are made in Argentina. It gives us information about the percentages, countries with which it is related, what merchandise is the one that is exported and imported and finally how the sales in our country could grow.

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