4 marzo, 2025

More than half of the young workers under 30, particulary 56%, have a temporary contract, a percentage that rises to 73% in  case of children under 25, according to UGT denounced in a report on employment With data from the Labor Force Survey (EPA) for the first quarter.

The union warns that almost 600,000 young people under the age of 25 are unemployed, a figure that exceeds 1.5 million in the case of children under 35. The youth unemployment rate in Spain exceeds more than 40%.

UGT stresses that the decline of the young population employed and the decline in the youth activity rate shows that young people are leaving Spain or moving away from the system because of «the scarce possibilities of finding employment».

The report shows that, during the first quarter of the year, of the 776,900 employees under the age of 25 counted, only 213,100 had an indefinite contract. Part-time hiring, for its part, accounts for 23% of recruitment among young people, an increase of 2.2% over the figure for the first quarter of 2016.

«The Government is recovering quantitatively the employment at the cost of a greater precariousness for the young people. For the Executive of our country, the decrease of the unemployment is positive, whatever the model of employment that is generating», criticizes the union.

For this reason, UGT have called for a youth employment clash on Tuesday, in the framework of social dialogue, in order to promote jobs and decent wages for this group. The union wants to the Executive to allocate the resources of the Youth Guarantee Plan to promote job offers and quality training, through the immediate placement in a vacant position by the public employment services.
«It is necessary to promote quality employment and rights for the youth of our country, banishing the idea of ??anything goes for this group. Young people must have the same working conditions as the rest of the employees,» defends the union.

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