6 marzo, 2025

Without a doubt, commerce is the activity that today moves the world. Neither the primary sector nor industry would have reached the current level of development if trade had not. Neither new technologies (including ICT) would exist as we know them today without trade. For good and for bad trade is the activity that contributes most to the GDP of the developed world and to the development of the other.
It should not be forgotten that the international financial institutions offer thousands of contracts a year to internationalized companies and people with a profile increasingly oriented to the techniques of international trade ( «Trade Related Technical Assistance» in the terminology of the European Union or The World Bank , To put just a couple of examples).
Thus, whatever our professional profile, the completion of the course provides our CV an «expansion» that will be appreciated accordingly by any present or future employer. When planning our professional development, in parallel with the evolution of the world and the highly skilled labor market, it is important to choose well in what field we improve our training.
In the above context, the European Union plays a key role. It remains – and, in the worst case, will be for some decades – the worlds leading trade power and the advance in WTO law, along with the US. Knowing the EU and other trade laws, managing between their sources or understanding their basic functioning are essential elements in order to successfully develop a suitable professional and business profile. The European Union module, which is part of this course, provides precisely that: an introduction to its political, legal and economic bases as well as to its different fields of action, with particular emphasis on EU external action: external relations, trade And development cooperation, the latter two fields that move huge amounts of money – through public tenders directed at companies – and enormous professional possibilities – through individual hiring of experts – every day, almost every day of the year.in

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