6 marzo, 2025




The Coca-Cola product originated on May 8, 1886, in the laboratory of Dr. John Pemberton, in the city of Atlanta, Georgia USA. There, for the first time, Coca-Cola syrup was produced. With carbonated water, it went on sale as a soda fountain drink.

The first ads, in the local press, hand-painted, highlighting the two initial C «C» Coca-Cola, were devised by Frank Robinson, partner and accountant of Dr. Pemberton. They go back to those years the slogans about the exquisite refreshment, highlighting its «delicious and refreshing» qualities and inviting to consume it: «Take Coca-Cola.»

Although product sales were growing, in 1888 Dr. Pemberton sold the rights to the product to Mr. Asa G. Candler, a businessman who soon became the owner of the company. Along with his brother and former partner Frank Robinson, Asa G. Candler formed a corporation he called «The Coca-Cola Company.»

In the following years, several bottling factories were opened, branches of the principal of Atlanta, in all the territory of the United States. In the next 20 years, the company moved from the first two plants to 1000 bottlers. Today Coca-Cola is enjoyed in over 155 countries around the world.


 Packaging: Se usa con mucha frecuencia para referirse al empaque, envase o embalaje de algo.

Warranty: Es el efecto de afianzar lo estipulado.

Transport: Se utiliza para describir al acto y consecuencia de trasladar algo de un lugar a otro.

Products: Es un objeto que se ofrece en un mercado con la intención de satisfacer aquello que necesita o que desea un consumidor

Drink: Se refiere a todo tipo de líquidos

Close up: Acercamiento de una cosa a otra

Companies: Son aquellas sociedades o reuniones de varias personas

Commitment: Obligación contraída por una persona que se compromete o es comprometida a algo

Self-service: Sistema de venta empleado en comercios y restaurantes que consiste en tener la mercancía expuesta para que el consumidor o cliente se sirva él mismo y abone el importe a la salida

Change:  Acción de cambiar.

Distribution: Acción de distribuir o distribuirse.

System: Es módulo ordenado de elementos que se encuentran interrelacionados y que interactúan entre sí

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