7 marzo, 2025

The AFIP is the Federal Public Revenue Administration. It is the executing agency for tax and customs policy of the Nation. It is responsible primarily to apply, collect and inspect taxes (revenue) from all over our country and control the international trade of goods.                      Taxes are the main «public» resources. They serve to sustain                                           needs common to all: education, justice, security, health, infrastructure, etc.

AFIP is composed by:

DGA – Directorate General of Customs

DGI – Directorate general tax

DGRSS – Directorate General of Social Security Resources

Main functions of the General Directorate of Customs

  • Application, collection and control of taxes related to foreign trade.
  • Control of international traffic of goods.
  • Implement and monitor bans on import and export.
  • Keep records, provide high and give lower enrollments customs brokers, customs agent transport, importers and exporters.
  • Investigate, analyze, extract samples and make expert reports on goods relating to international trade.
  • Exercise all the powers entrusted by the Customs Code.


  • raises import and export rights.
  • Rates of statistics and customs duties.

control strategy DGA

  • It has specialized personnel in different disciplines and subjects. These officials if doubts about the goods can extract samples are derived modern laboratories for all kinds of analysis.
  • Using methods do not generally intrusive high tech devices: mobile scanner, scanner backpack, fiberscopes and Buster.


persons involved in foreign trade:

  • importers and exporters.
  • customs bróker.
  • Customs agent transport



The State, through the Customs performs control of the activity and perceived

taxes. In these operations involved other auxiliary agents called foreign trade and the Customs Service: which are the customs agent and customs agent transport.


Required documentation for an export:

  • OM 1993 / A SIM (form where all the features of the operation are reported).
  • OM 1993/3 sidin-DUA..
  • Additional documentation.
  • OM 1993 / A.
  • Packing List (detailing the content, describing what is in lumps or container).
  • Commercial invoice*
  • Certificate intervention

other bodies according to the goods to be exported:

  • ANMAT (drugs)
  • INAL ANMAT (food)
  • RENAR (weapons)
  • SENASA (meat and vegetables)
  • National Arts
  • Visual (artworks)

Required documentation for an import:

  • commercial invoice.
  • packing list,.
  • certificate of origin.
  • boarding pass.

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