10 marzo, 2025


Which it is the first step to export ??


If you or your company maintain a serious contacts with potential foreign customer with certain possibilities to export their goods or services, then yes; It is TIME TO ENROLL IN THE GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF CUSTOMS AND START EXPORTING OUR ADVICE. It is a simple and fast process: REGISTERING AS TO THE importer and exporter CUSTOMS DIRECTORATE GENERAL – CORPORATIONS – INDIVIDUALS – monotributistas Commercial GCS will advise on each of the steps to obtain registration of importer and exporter. It is a simple process and our ongoing assistance will be enrolled in 10 to 15 business days maximum.

It is an unavoidable condition (except specific cases to be discussed in detail later) to import or export goods to and from Argentina, BE REGISTERED WITH THE DGA (General Directorate of Customs). In turn, it is required to apply for such registration Customs, found previously registered with the DGI (AFIP-DGI) and have CUIT (Unique Tax Identification Code). While on condition monotributistas it is able to apply for registration of importer and exporter, for reasons of operational and tax benefits, the figure of Registered Manager is recommended. promptly discuss the requirements to apply to the DGA registration in the Register of Importers and Exporters:

– Possess CUIT

– Encountering able to conduct business at the time of request

– Possess Economic Solvency according to the rules set forth by General Resolution AFIP nro: 2144/2006 in summary indicates the following: Individuals applying for registration of importers and exporters credited solvency if the last calendar year show more than $ 300.000,00.- sales should be noted that are taken as valid only presentations VAT registered in terms and are amended. Encuadren subjects not within the framework referred to above must prove to the AFIP Economic solvency through POLICY CAUTION requested to insurance company, cash bond granted before the DGA or BANK GUARANTEE granted before the DGA. In all cases the amount of bail or guarantee is $ 30,000.00 and the AFIP reserves the right to reinstate the extent that the subject Applicant has complied with solvency requirements of the standard.


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