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The origins of bread

The origins of bread date back to a distant past. The discovery was at the  Neolithic period. Ancestor of humans already knew that if he grinded seeds and grains and mixed them with water he would have porridged as a result. However, one day someone forgot the porridge in some kind of pot, and when he came back he found a grainy, squashed and dry cake. The first bread had just taken shape.

Since then, bread, has been linked to human’s evolution. It has been presented at conquests, revolutions, civilizations and discoverings. It has been taking part in global culture.

Homemade Bread Recipe

I would like to share one of my favorites bread recipes with you. It is a simple and quick making with an amazing result. You can use it every day because of its low level of difficulty and use of ingredients within reach of everyone.

Ingredients for 5 servings:

600 grams of wheat flour

350 milliliters of warm water

30 grams of yeast

10 grams of salt

Extra virgin olive oil




I hope you can enjoy a tasty homemade bread and that you have learned a bit from its origins.