23 febrero, 2025


1 Regional Outreach Agreement : Agreement reaching all members of a treatyn or Convention ,at a regional level  .Agrement in which alall the member countries of ALADI participate.

Example: A regional extensión agreement  was signed between Argentina and Chile.


2  Internacional Agreement: Convention contract concluded  between two or more countries and / or internacional organization with internacional legal estatus, by which mutual interests are regulated.

Example: Mercosur is an internacional agreement


3 Customs of Destination : Customs  office where  a customs transit operation ends.

Example: A set of uses or practices made by merchants  and that meet the requirements required by law to be considered.


4 Customs of Departure: Customs office where a customs transit operations  begins.

Example: Documentation is submiteed to Customs.


5 Airport: By the airport is understood, in the customs sense, a delimited area of land  or wáter destined to arrival, parking and departure of aircraft qualified for customs operations .

Example: the airport is a surveillancfe zone.


6 ALADI: Latin American Integration Association, which includes Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela,  Cuba was recently admitted.

Example: ALADI members meet in Buenos Aires .


7 Open Tariff: It is the one that allows the inclusión in the same of all the merchandise

Example: A fixed rate is established between the United States and Mexico .


8 Closed tariff: It is one that includes only those goods that are specified in it .

Example: Argentina close the tariff with Brazil.


9 Tariff Specifie: It is that customs tariff that taxes the goods with  specified rights.

Example: United States has specific rights over Venezuelan crude oil.


10 Inland Waters: This is the name of maritime waters , river or lake , located within the national territory .

Example: The Ships are sailing through the wáter of the Paraguayan customs territory.





From: Fabian Smithers

To: Mr. Michsael Gomez

Subjet: Presentation


Hello everyone in London, I am Michael Gomez, I am 24 years old, I am working in Nex Care in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Our company

specializes in shoes sales for dofferent profiles of people and we are the best in Latin America. My area is the sales to other companies ,

we work in the team Our responsibility is to reach the monthly goals and, if posible , to export to other countries ,to ensure that  the

merchandise arrives in optimal conditions at its destination. We work since 9 am to 5 pm from Monday To Friday . I personally enjoy

communication with other companies but my partners not. I am not enjoy cleaning  my desk. My partners like driking tequila. I hate

controlling the employees in my sector . I am very happy with my job , if you need more information feel free to contact me.




Michael Gomez.


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