7 marzo, 2025

El inglés es el idioma nº 1 y el más usado por excelencia a la hora de comunicar al mundo entero incluyendo al área de negocio. En este informe se presentan glosarios con los términos más usados del Marketing en inglés, Email y textos.

Glosario de los términos más usados en Marketing:   

  • Branding: A set of actions that generate corporate image, credibility and reputation, aimed at projecting a positive image for society. Branding highlights the knowledge, culture and especially the management of the brand, which becomes the essential axis of business strategy.
  • Business to Business (B2B): refers to companies engaged in commercial transactions with other companies.
  • Business to Community: merging B2C and B2B into one context, where data is no longer processed but information is processed. Involve proactive marketing and interactive relationships with customers and suppliers.
  • CM (community manager): manager of an organizations social media, and as such of the content management in them, and to promote interactivity with users and analyze the results of the actions carried out.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): An organization-wide management model based on customer orientation.
  • Database Marketing: A method that takes advantage of the profiles of the client – and the outsider, when it includes cookies – to locate, segment, attend and interact with consumers.
  • Engagement: Willingness to connect, generate commitment and share experiences from brands to their consumers. It implies the active participation of consumers in the evolution of the brand, and even its voluntary adherence to it, leaving behind the passive conception of the consumer.
  • Focus Group: A method for collecting data about a market segment (target), through interaction and discussion around a product or service. The group may be consumers.
  • Landing page: Micro promotional site that summarizes the offer in a simple and easily understandable way. It may contain a brief form, telephone number or other commercial weapons.
  • Lovemark: Concept created by Kevin Roberts that defines the position of a brand within a culture. The company attracts the consumer through the senses and manages to maintain a loyal and stable relationship thanks to which it is able to introduce emotion in the way of relating.

Texto y sus ideas principales:

Marketing is not synonymous with marketing or sales, but precisely, it is the function that helps identify those needs, developing products to meet them, collaborating to set prices, offering them in the right places and with good communication and after-sales strategies . Marketing guides the entire process by which ideas are transformed into products accepted by the market.

That is why the importance of marketing is increasingly evident. In the larger this is reflected in the complex structures the number of professionals in that activity and the money invested; In the medium and small the need is also being understood and the efforts increase; Even in microenterprises marketing is one of the key problems for its development, since, as we said, most of them have been created around a production strength and not before the identification of an unsatisfied demand

You can not produce and see later who to sell, but you have to study what you can sell and then produce

Marketing de última generación

Idea principal

The article is about how important marketing is when it comes to launching a new product. It talks about the main problem that companies have, and how well-conducted marketing can help identify consumer needs, with good communication and after-sales strategies.

Email en ingles:


Good morning, we are Melany Varela and Augusto Fernandez. We work in digital marketing also in 180Fusion but in Los Angeles. Our work hours are from eight oclock am to one oclock pm from Monday to Friday. In the company our responsibilities are: Create web pages, logos for companies, digital marketing campaigns, campaigns in social networks, and advertising and market strategies for companies that hire us.

Finally the activities that we enjoy and that we do not enjoy as employees are:

We enjoy:

  • Team work.
  • Meeting schedules.
  • Having time and a place to rest.
  • Work in a comfortable environment.

We don¡t enjoy it:

  • When clients come closed in on their ideas.
  • When there is traffic to get to work.
  • When the client does not provide enough information.

Finally we write to inform you that we are going to go to the headquarters in London in a week to meet and be able to talk about new marketing strategies and receive more training. But we need to confirm that you can welcome us.

Thank you. Looking forward to your answer.


Melany and Augusto.

Informe a cargo de:

Melany Varela y Augusto Fernandez.

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