23 febrero, 2025

Market common South, known as MERCOSUR, is an important integration process regional, formed initially by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, which joined later Venezuela and Bolivia – the latter in the process of accession-to come together to move forward together for the welfare of their peoples.

The creation of MERCOSUR was born on March 26, 1991, a meeting between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay in Asuncion, capital of the Paraguay. On that occasion, the four countries signed an agreement called «Treaty of Asuncion», which allowed them to make business among them, in addition to act together to make agreements with other countries of the world, and sat the bases so they continue working in different areas.

Established in 1994 the MERCOSUR, through the signing of the Protocol of Ouro Preto, the bases of its institutional structure, with the objective of organizing the dynamics of the work in the organs of the block.

Among other things, it was defined that the Presidency of the Council of the common market (CMC), top of the block, and responsible for organ by the decision making and ensure compliance with the Treaty of Asunción and the agreements signed in its scope, is exerted by rotation, in alphabetical order of States parties, for a period of six months.

Also, to help the CMC in their tasks, MERCOSUR has the support of the common market Group (GMC), which is an executive body made up of officials from the ministries of Foreign Affairs, the ministries of economy and of the central banks of the parties States, among others. For the commercial aspects was specifically created the Trading Commission of MERCOSUR (CCM) which discusses tariff that will pay the goods to enter our countries.

For the purposes of drafting rules that are adopted by the bodies which decide on MERCOSUR (CMC, GMC and CCM) meetings are held with technical officials from all countries. Today, there are more than 300 instances between bodies, forums, commissions and committees where officials from different ministries and secretariats of each Government meet regularly to address more issues of interest to the region.

In addition, MERCOSUR has other subsidiary bodies with specific functions that are in different cities, such as: the High Representative General MERCOSUR (ARGM), the Fund for structural convergence of MERCOSUR (FOCEM), economic Consultative Forum (FCES), the Policy Institute public human rights of MERCOSUR (IPPDH), the Social Institute of the MERCOSUR (ISM), the Parliament of MERCOSUR (PARLASUR) the Permanent Court review (TPR), the support unit to the Social participation of the MERCOSUR (UPS) and the Secretariat of MERCOSUR, this last, responsible for the custody of the official documentation, provides logistical support to meetings carried out by the organs of MERCOSUR and carried out technical studies at the request of these bodies.
MERCOSUR has three recognized languages: the Spanish, the Portuguese and guarani. However, the official languages of work established by the Protocol of Ouro Preto are the Spanish and Portuguese. In that sense, the standards adopted by the organs of MERCOSUR and the documentation are available in Spanish and Portuguese.

When countries unite to work together, strengthen their economies and improve relations – trade, political, social, cultural – among them. And that is what happens in the MERCOSUR. Interrelations of their economies and their policies strengthen countries and with that, it enhances economic development and all win.

In the beginning they hastening economicos-comerciales aspects, searching for the reduction of taxes which were paid each other to sell goods. With the passing of the years, the block has made progress in important areas such as: education, health, culture, work, residence, among others, with the aim of further integration between its citizens and citizens.

The MERCOSUR Secretariat is located in the city of Montevideo, in the emblematic MERCOSUR building, built in 1909 by the architect Guillermo West and which previously housed the «Park Hotel», municipal hotel facing the Ramírez Beach in Parque Rodó, important meeting point for River Plate Montevideo society.
Currently, about 40 people from all the States parties of MERCOSUR are working in the Secretariat of MERCOSUR. Among other tasks, provide advice to the organs of the block, give logistical support to meetings, carried out translations of documents and take care of administrative matters.
Its officials are chosen by contest of opposition and merits, respecting the principle of proportionality, i.e., must be the same number of officers by each State party. For operating expenses, the Secretariat of MERCOSUR has a budget made up of equal contributions annually deposited by States parties.
The headquarters building also houses other organs such as the FCES, the PARLASUR, the ARGM and UPS.

Currently the MERCOSUR comprises Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela, which are called parties. Bolivia also is to become a State party of the block, found currently in the process of accession.
In addition, other countries that are part of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), eligible MERCOSUR meetings to discuss issues of common interest, such as political, economic and social integration, etc., in character of guests. That means they have a right to speak but without voting. They are the so-called associated States, and are composed of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and more recently, Guyana and Surin

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