1 marzo, 2025

BY : Lucia Luque .1| Régimen Aduanero.

26 de Junio 2017

An integral professional is requiered, have specific techniques, both  and commercial  in import and export of goods and services .Advising on the terms of custom legislation in force foreseen in the customs code.

Manage and use the necessary information on time to be able to plan, successfully develop the international organizations and national customs administration.

Relating legal aspect and agreements between international organizations and national customs administration.

Use administrative and financial , techniques and instruments with accountability. Classification, valuation, agencies involved in the process of entry into a customs territory.

As well as using a fundamental tool that is the computer system for the care of good of people at border crossings .

Language management is a fundamental tool for good job performance.

On the other hand, trade has generated the need for more flexible professional. With the ability to manage areas under their care this allows the exploitation of goob opportunities even if these are not apparent.

Meeting withthese stated goals  can be seen affirmative and reliable results for good job performance and attract international trade and regional marketing.

Meet these objetives recently raised are going to obtain affirmative results giving realibility , responsible for good work performance and attract domestic and international trade .

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