17 marzo, 2025




Attrackting both manufactures and customers is very important in the beginning to make themselves known some variables to be taken into account in developing the communication plan.

  • The staff should convey professionalism,the customer appreciates that server and expert,able to advise and adhere.
  • The Company should advertise in different ways in the those places you go to important the products it is to be known suppliers and manufactures,so competition can be created between them which benefited out in a matter of cost.
  • Contacts that may be required in the countries of origin of the products so you can be aware of developments or market opportunities should be estableished.
  • Advertising mailing to companies and businesses,yellow pages,hewspapees,etc
  • Creating a web page is very interesting to create a modern website,which established mainly the ítems avaiable to customers with images of the same,as well as price of orders.



This section should indicate:

  • The situation of the Company:municipality area (inidcating whether located in a industrial park,shopping center).
  • The proximity of the Company to roads it is convenient to attach a map or plan of the area,where you can see the site of the Company.
  • Municipal or regional political aid to the installation of new companies.


The personal of the staff of a Company such as that described in the Project will directly dependo on the type of products to be marketed,and the turnover and expected sales.

In addition,it is normal as the business progresses and growing,hiring new employees is needed,especially with respect to comercial.

To carry out this plan it has been estimated that the initial business template will consist of the following employee.

MANAGER: The figure of the manager will assume the entrepreneur/a Project,for which it will host the social security scheme of self.

SALES REPRESENTATIVE/BUSINESS:this employeed functions consist of searcen,management and advising clients,being in continuous motion by the zones of influence of the Company.

It must be remarked that this type of employee usually receives a fiked salary,to which is added a commission based on the sales take place.

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT:will handle the administrative duties of the Company,among which we can cite some as tasks scheduling management of comercial tasks sending offers,marketing,rates…Budget management billing,call center,reception orders,etc.

EMPLOYEE:customer service (services budgets receive customers,sample products … all of them within the premises of the Company.

STOCKEEPER: Carry out the functions as they are picking,loading and unloading,etc.

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