6 marzo, 2025

Generally, we can indentify a Guide of Tourism as that person who devotes herself to orientate or accompany the individuals in a tourist destination. However, though it looks like a task simple to carry out, it needs of certain formation, training and especially  skills and specific competitions. A guide of tourism works accompanying the tourists and offering information and relevant information about the place of destination. Therefore,  this  is one in constant contact with tourists and travelers.  Professional profile must be outlined for possessing communication skills, knowledge in languages and an obliging character. The formation and the experience are central aspects of  the Guide of Tourism´s profile , and enrich both aspects. There is nothing better than the Permanent training. The efficiency in his task will meet reflected in the level of knowledge, already be geographical as historical, cultural and of general interest. Besides, his aptitude to plan and organize, it is important that a guide of tourism complements his career education with the ethical values and of social commitment, in a such way that his professional profile is orientated to an integral quality of the service that offers. And finally, a good Guide of Tourism must have the aptitude to adapt to the group of tourists, of agreement to his interests and preferences. The task of the Guide consists of accompanying the visitor, however, this does not mean to impose his own terms but to motivate the tourist and to improvise new forms of walk. As professional it is necessary to  bear in mind that every walk or excursion is only for the tourist, because  it is important to make him enjoy everything positive that offers the place.


The formation of the professional Guide includes the knowledge of the cultural, natural and historical heritage of the city promoting the respect and care of the same one. It has the training necessary to express fluidly in the language that the foreign visitor needs. Assistance offers before difficulties, emergencies and unforeseen that the passenger might not solve easily for his own means, so much in hotels and airports as with different service providers. It makes feel the tourist as in his house, is attentive to his comfort and safety offering all the necessary information in order to this way .  He is a cultural and social ambassador. The professionalism and amiability of the Guide do that the tourist wants to return and to turn into a diffusive enthusiast of the visited destination. It receives training and permanent update on the city and his heritage. The Guide allows us to discover the city and his attractions, makes speak to the walls in order that they count his history. It allows us to know places, monuments and institutions of which we were not knowing his existence and importance. It guarantees the effective execution of the program realized by the agency. It supervises the foreseen itinerary assuring that should  be offered  themselves all the services. Due to his practical knowledge, it knows the best routes and schedules of services adapts his knowledge for different public: national, international and school visitors, between others. The professional Guide is inscribed in the Guides record of the City of Buenos Aires. This is a guarantee of professionalism, formation and references. Nowadays, this profession is important to attend  the tourists  great quantity that they visit our country every year and to promote the visit of our monuments and  enjoy our traditions. The tourism is one of the fundamental props for the good functioning of the economy is slightly already known by all. The tourist guide has the mission to show and to explain to the foreigners those tourist attractions that they do not know or that overlook the agencies of trip.  It could be the case of the Obelisk or The Argentinian Presidential Palace in Buenos Aires, for example. The tourist guide must have a few scientific knowledge, as the geography or the archaeology. But also it has to be able to be unrolled in several languages to understand itself with the tourists and a few practical knowledge as to know the best routes or the schedules of service. There are needed also a few knowledge of other many matters and cultural aspects, as Art (painting, architecture, etc), to know the daily life, traditions, uses and customs, gastronomy, economy, politics, company. One of the most important qualities of a Guide of Tourism is the empathy. The professionals dedicated to this activity are in the habit of being in continuous contact with dozens of persons, for which is necessary to possess the aptitude to put in the place of his group and to detect which are his intentions, tastes and preferences. The empathy allows the guide to know when it is the moment indicated to do a pause, to advance or to propose some activity. Other one of the qualities is the diplomacy. A good Guide of Tourism must be capable of unifying the diverse personalities that compose the group of trip and to try that «the only visit» is interesting and attractive for each of these personalities. In many occasions the experience and the own skill of the guide are those who allow that every tourist should enjoy fullly his visit. Logically, besides empathy and diplomacy, a good Guide of Tourism must possess knowledge. This quality not only refers to knowing the monuments, prominent figures and other historical local information, but also to knowing the gastronomy, the most famous anecdotes and any other information of color that allows the tourist to identify and to value furthermore the place of walk. And as any other profession, it needs passion and vocation. A good guide of tourism must be carried away for his work.


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