12 marzo, 2025

The dairy company evoiced in its last annual exercise closed in december $7549 millons. This highlights its growth in the market for milk powder in brazil with its partnerships to associaled leitesol recently one of the largest dairy firms in Argentina, Mastellone Hnos .presented at the stock national market commission (cnv).

Its last annual balance closed on the twenty firte y december 2012, in which it reached a consolidated turn over of 7599 millons, an increase of 22.700% in relation to 2011 because in that year they had reached 6150 millions.

From the memory of its last balance, the company continues to expand its presence in the brazilian market. During all the 2012, the sales of Mastellone in the neighbouring coutry reached $1000 millons and the main product marketed was powder milk. The range its subsidiary bauchcalled which now has 3600 customers in brazil it has a 5% in the total retail market of powder milk and 5,2% of the norwest region.

As to the business of exports, during the period in analysis accounted for $149 millons and they consumed the equivalent to 203,4 millons represented litres of milk.

In this second period 5,8% of the total sales aginst 6,2% in 2011.

The margins of export business and broader sense the competitiveness.

the sector was affected negatively by the growth and internal costs expressed in dollars.

In the local market, retail sales are composed  by the 70% of products in which the company has the largest part in the share market and 30% in products which the second Ocupation in the market give the 7,4%.


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