6 marzo, 2025

Foreign trade is the sale or purchase of goods to and from another country.

The circuits is as follows:


Exporter                                      merchandise                                     importer

What can be exported and imported ?

The customs code: law 22415 is the main regulation rules foreing trade and he says that goods are all objects that can be imported.

The merchandise is divided into:

Intangible objects that can not be touched by rights such as copyrights, trademarks, etc. tangible objects: you can touch. They can be: movable property (those that can be transported from one side to another, shoes, clothes, dishes, glasses, chairs, tables, toys, perfumes, food, etc).                                                      semovientes (those who move on their own, live animals, eg: cattle, pigs, sheep, etc.).

Arrival of goods from one country to another:

There are 3 alternatives for export or import of goods.

LAND: The truck moves along the road network of the country. It is highly versatile:

  1. a) allows you to move the merchandise from a place of production to consumption or use; b) the semi trailers can be optimally adapted to the nature of the load to be transported. There vans for frozen products (- 25 ° c), chilled (4 ° C), gas, automotive, chemical tanks, hoppers for cement, container transport, etc.                                                         The railway is the most economical ground transportation. You can only move by rail network and fixed routes. It has plenty of cargo movement. It has the disadvantage that currently it has no connections with other countries from Argentina. In other regions of the world the railway for international trade is a good alternative.

SEA: One of the oldest forms of transport goods from distant places. It allows to carry large volumes of goods at very remote locations and at very low relative to other means of transport fees. You can hire a boat to load and unload at a port in another country. They are called charter and are generally used for high-volume goods such as cereals, oil, minerals, fuels, oil, etc.the container appeared in the 50s. This large steel box allowed  charging standardization, improved handling at ports and transfer to the various means of transport. With this element arise regular lines taking a trade route and visit ports with definite dates, repeating this operation permanently. This type of freight enables exporters and importers have planned when to send their goods and when will be available.

AIRWAY: The plane is the fastest means of transport. It allows a load reach destination anywhere in the world within 48 hours. It is used for loads of great value such as electronic or when REQUIRED ary for logistical reasons move a merchandise quickly.

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